phpcms v9中相關(guān)閱讀的排序問題,調(diào)用出來的內(nèi)容十分陳舊。于是嘗試添加 order="id DESC" 參數(shù)進行排序,調(diào)用順序依然毫無變化。打開 phpcms/modules/content/classes/content_tag.class.php 內(nèi)容模型標簽類一看,發(fā)現(xiàn)該標簽僅在內(nèi)容存在人為設置的相關(guān)閱讀時,才依照order參數(shù)進行排序。而當內(nèi)容不存在人為設置的相關(guān)閱讀時,則按照關(guān)鍵字進 行查詢,但此時并沒有按照order參數(shù)進行排序。而是不進行排序。這也就是為什么文章調(diào)用的相關(guān)閱讀總是那么陳舊的原因了。
修改 phpcms/modules/content/classes/content_tag.class.php 內(nèi)容模型標簽類文件,將 content_tag 類中 relation 方法修改為:
* 相關(guān)文章標簽
* @param $data
public function relation($data) {
$catid = intval($data['catid']);
if(!$this->set_modelid($catid)) return false;
$order = $data['order'];
$sql = "`status`=99";
$limit = $data['id'] ? $data['limit']+1 : $data['limit'];
if($data['relation']) {
$relations = explode('|',trim($data['relation'],'|'));
$relations = array_diff($relations, array(null));
$relations = implode(',',$relations);
$sql = " `id` IN ($relations)";
$key_array = $this->db->select($sql, '*', $limit, $order,'','id');
} elseif($data['keywords']) {
$keywords = str_replace('%', '',$data['keywords']);
$keywords_arr = explode(' ',$keywords);
$key_array = array();
$number = 0;
$i =1;
foreach ($keywords_arr as $_k) {
$sql2 = $sql." AND `keywords` LIKE '%$_k%'".(isset($data['id']) && intval($data['id']) ? " AND `id` != '".abs(intval($data['id']))."'" : '');
$r = $this->db->select($sql2, '*', $limit, $order,'','id');
$number += count($r);
foreach ($r as $id=>$v) {
if($i<= $data['limit'] && !in_array($id, $key_array)) $key_array[$id] = $v;
if($data['limit']<$number) break;
if($data['id']) unset($key_array[$data['id']]);
return $key_array;
其 實只是將 $r = $this->db->select($sql2, '*', $limit, '','','id'); 替換為了 $r = $this->db->select($sql2, '*', $limit, $order,'','id'); 讓order參數(shù)傳入查詢方法。
{pc:content action="relation" relation="$relation" id="$id" catid="$catid" num="5" keywords="$rs[keywords]" order="id DESC"}
{loop $data $r}
* 內(nèi)容模型 - 相關(guān)文章標簽(修正排序異常問題)
* @param $data
function mk1_content_tag_relation($data) {
$db = pc_base::load_model('content_model');
$catid = intval($data['catid']);
$siteids = getcache('category_content','commons');
if(!$siteids[$catid]) return false;
$siteid = $siteids[$catid];
$category = getcache('category_content_'.$siteid,'commons');
if(empty($category)) return false;
if($category[$catid]['type']!=0) return false;
$order = $data['order'];
$sql = "`status`=99";
$limit = $data['id'] ? $data['limit']+1 : $data['limit'];
if($data['relation']) {
$relations = explode('|',trim($data['relation'],'|'));
$relations = array_diff($relations, array(null));
$relations = implode(',',$relations);
$sql = " `id` IN ($relations)";
$key_array = $db->select($sql, '*', $limit, $order,'','id');
} elseif($data['keywords']) {
$keywords = str_replace('%', '',$data['keywords']);
$keywords_arr = explode(' ',$keywords);
$key_array = array();
$number = 0;
$i =1;
foreach ($keywords_arr as $_k) {
$sql2 = $sql." AND `keywords` LIKE '%$_k%'".(isset($data['id']) && intval($data['id']) ? " AND `id` != '".abs(intval($data['id']))."'" : '');
$r = $db->select($sql2, '*', $limit, $order,'','id');
$number += count($r);
foreach ($r as $id=>$v) {
if($i<= $data['limit'] && !in_array($id, $key_array)) $key_array[$id] = $v;
if($data['limit']<$number) break;
if($data['id']) unset($key_array[$data['id']]);
return $key_array;
當前位置:腳本學堂 > 網(wǎng)頁教程 > phpcms > 正文
phpcms v9關(guān)聯(lián)文章排序陳舊問題怎么修改
本文介紹了phpcms v9關(guān)聯(lián)文章排序陳舊問題的修改方法,phpcms v9中相關(guān)閱讀的排序問題,調(diào)用出來的內(nèi)容十分陳舊,有需要的朋友參考學習下。
phpcms v9中相關(guān)閱讀的排序問題,調(diào)用出來的內(nèi)容十分陳舊。于是嘗試添加 order="id DESC" 參數(shù)進行排序,調(diào)用順序依然毫無變化。打開 phpcms/modules/content/classes/content_tag.class.php 內(nèi)容模型標簽類一看,發(fā)現(xiàn)該標簽僅在內(nèi)容存在人為設置的相關(guān)閱讀時,才依照order參數(shù)進行排序。而當內(nèi)容不存在人為設置的相關(guān)閱讀時,則按照關(guān)鍵字進 行查詢,但此時并沒有按照order參數(shù)進行排序。而是不進行排序。這也就是為什么文章調(diào)用的相關(guān)閱讀總是那么陳舊的原因了。
修改 phpcms/modules/content/classes/content_tag.class.php 內(nèi)容模型標簽類文件,將 content_tag 類中 relation 方法修改為:
復制代碼 代碼示例:
* 相關(guān)文章標簽
* @param $data
public function relation($data) {
$catid = intval($data['catid']);
if(!$this->set_modelid($catid)) return false;
$order = $data['order'];
$sql = "`status`=99";
$limit = $data['id'] ? $data['limit']+1 : $data['limit'];
if($data['relation']) {
$relations = explode('|',trim($data['relation'],'|'));
$relations = array_diff($relations, array(null));
$relations = implode(',',$relations);
$sql = " `id` IN ($relations)";
$key_array = $this->db->select($sql, '*', $limit, $order,'','id');
} elseif($data['keywords']) {
$keywords = str_replace('%', '',$data['keywords']);
$keywords_arr = explode(' ',$keywords);
$key_array = array();
$number = 0;
$i =1;
foreach ($keywords_arr as $_k) {
$sql2 = $sql." AND `keywords` LIKE '%$_k%'".(isset($data['id']) && intval($data['id']) ? " AND `id` != '".abs(intval($data['id']))."'" : '');
$r = $this->db->select($sql2, '*', $limit, $order,'','id');
$number += count($r);
foreach ($r as $id=>$v) {
if($i<= $data['limit'] && !in_array($id, $key_array)) $key_array[$id] = $v;
if($data['limit']<$number) break;
if($data['id']) unset($key_array[$data['id']]);
return $key_array;
其 實只是將 $r = $this->db->select($sql2, '*', $limit, '','','id'); 替換為了 $r = $this->db->select($sql2, '*', $limit, $order,'','id'); 讓order參數(shù)傳入查詢方法。
復制代碼 代碼示例:
{pc:content action="relation" relation="$relation" id="$id" catid="$catid" num="5" keywords="$rs[keywords]" order="id DESC"}
{loop $data $r}
復制代碼 代碼示例:
* 內(nèi)容模型 - 相關(guān)文章標簽(修正排序異常問題)
* @param $data
function mk1_content_tag_relation($data) {
$db = pc_base::load_model('content_model');
$catid = intval($data['catid']);
$siteids = getcache('category_content','commons');
if(!$siteids[$catid]) return false;
$siteid = $siteids[$catid];
$category = getcache('category_content_'.$siteid,'commons');
if(empty($category)) return false;
if($category[$catid]['type']!=0) return false;
$order = $data['order'];
$sql = "`status`=99";
$limit = $data['id'] ? $data['limit']+1 : $data['limit'];
if($data['relation']) {
$relations = explode('|',trim($data['relation'],'|'));
$relations = array_diff($relations, array(null));
$relations = implode(',',$relations);
$sql = " `id` IN ($relations)";
$key_array = $db->select($sql, '*', $limit, $order,'','id');
} elseif($data['keywords']) {
$keywords = str_replace('%', '',$data['keywords']);
$keywords_arr = explode(' ',$keywords);
$key_array = array();
$number = 0;
$i =1;
foreach ($keywords_arr as $_k) {
$sql2 = $sql." AND `keywords` LIKE '%$_k%'".(isset($data['id']) && intval($data['id']) ? " AND `id` != '".abs(intval($data['id']))."'" : '');
$r = $db->select($sql2, '*', $limit, $order,'','id');
$number += count($r);
foreach ($r as $id=>$v) {
if($i<= $data['limit'] && !in_array($id, $key_array)) $key_array[$id] = $v;
if($data['limit']<$number) break;
if($data['id']) unset($key_array[$data['id']]);
return $key_array;
{php $data = mk1_content_tag_relation(array('relation'=>$relation,'id'=>$id,'catid'=>$catid,'keywords'=>$rs['keywords'],'order'=>'id DESC','limit'=>'4')); }
{loop $data $r}